Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Not so long ago Marion Croslydon got her chance to list top ten heroes she would like to kiss under the mistletoe. Todays, it's my turn. :D Ok, so the topic actually is 'Top Ten Characters I Would Crush On If I Were Also A Fictional Character' but let's not fool ourselves, it's basically the same.

Daemon from The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop
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1. Daemon

(from The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop)

Daemon Sadi, also known as the Sadist is a powerful witch and ex-pleasure slave. Does not sound like crushing-kinda guy? Oh, but you would be soooo wrong... If you like dark fantasy, The Black Jewels Trilogy is a must-read and then you will know what (or who) am I swooning about... ;)

F'Lar from Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
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2. F'Lar

(from Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey)

You know what is F'Lar's best quality? He has his own dragon! Yep, I think that immediately promoted him to the top of my list. I'm shallow and dragon-lover what can I say. ;)

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3. Khal Drogo

(from A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin)

A powerful warlord of the fearsome tribe of nomads called Dothraki, he shows us his softer side when he falls in love with Daenerys Targaryen. He calls her "moon of my life" and she calls him "my sun and stars". I think that's one of the best pet-names ever!

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4. Joscelin Verreuil

(from Phèdre's Trilogy by Jacqueline Carey)

Ok, so Joscelin was also on my top ten favorite fantasy characters list. I already admitted there that I had minor book crush on him and he was the reason I didn't give up when the books got boring at some parts... Prim and proper warrior priest, Joscelin sacrifices everything to save the woman he loves.

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5. Mr. Darcy

(from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

What's so special about Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy? I don't know.... Maybe because Pride and Prejudice was a first historical romance I have read... Maybe because he's so stuffy - everybody loves a hero that loosens up when he falls in love... Maybe because Colin Firth looked so sexy in that wet shirt... xD

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6. Savoy

(from The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell)

Servant Commander Korish Savoy is the Commander of the Seventh, an elite group of warriors that protect Tildor. In The Cadet of Tildor we meet him as a mentor & teacher for Renee de Winter, our heroine. Frankly, I don't know how she did not fall head over heals in love with him.

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7. Legolas

(from The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien)

I never thought I will think pointy ears are sexy before I met Legolas. Shameful admission: I am crushing more on elven architecture than on Legolas in LOTR but since he is male and single, I think he's my best way to get my own beautiful tree house. :D

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8. Zsadist

(from Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward)

No matter the scars and troubled past, his protective and loving nature makes Zsadist one of the top hotties on this list. And the fact that he the most lethal in BDB is just a bonus. :D

A little bit off topic: Who's your favorite member of BDB? :)

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9. Bones

(from Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost)

Bones, also known as Crispin Phillip Arthur Russell III, is an ex male-prostitute, now vampire bounty hunter... Has an English accent & a great sense of humor. For those interested to learn more about him, there's Bones biography at Jeaniene Frost's official website.

I know Bones is taken (aren't all the good ones) and Cat is one kick-ass lady but I think she would be offended if he is not on this list. ;)

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10. R

(from Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion)

Questionable body odor aside, R is just the kind of a book hero that catches my interest: stubborn, romantic, with a dry sense of humor, collect stuff (so he won't complain about me hoarding books) and most importantly - willing to sacrifice everything for the woman he loves.

Let's Talk:

Well that's it from me. What are your top ten fictional characters you are crushing on? Do we share the same ones?

Share your thoughts and links to your lists in comments! :)

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  1. Khal Drogo, yes! Zsadist, yes! haha so much yes!
    My TTT

  2. Okay. Just because of Bones, you get a big HELL YES (take note of my number one). And, I was hard pressed to pick between Z and Rhage. You'll see who I chose on my list. If I could've picked all the Brothers, I would've. :) AWESOME list!

    Here's my list - TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

    1. Rhage was too big for me, I feel like a dwarf beside my husband, with Rhage I would probably feel like a hobbit. So I picked Z, he's shorter. Although it was a close call. :D

  3. OMG, Dragana! I don't know most of these, but I'm SO excited to see F'Lar on here. I LOVE him, though he's another where I shipped him with his girl so hard that I couldn't steal him. Haha. I bet I won't see him on any other lists. *fistbumps*

    1. Haha I don't know about you but it means I am a generation before ebooks, when I had to depend on libraries to get my book. :D
      You should add The Cadet of Tildor and Phèdre's Trilogy to your tbr. Both have great characterisation. ;)

  4. Mr. Darcy hands down! :) As for the rest? I haven't read them but I have a new set of books to read! :)

    MY Bookish Boyfriends

    1. Dracy-fangirl-high-five. I hope you enjoy them if you give them a chance. :)

  5. Khal Drogo was really great character! :) also Mr Darcy would be on my list but I decided not to include classics. :) Legolas is my fave form LOTR too! :) Great picks :)

    1. And all my other crushes are from fantasy novels, but there is always a place for MR. Darcy. :D

  6. LOVE Mr. Darcy and Zsadist and Bones what an interesting grouping that is. I really want to read Warm Bodies. Thanks for stopping by my list.

    1. Haha yeah when you think about it, my crushes make a weird group. You've got everything. :D
      Warm Bodies is a fun book if you are not squeamish to read about brain eating from first-person pov. :)

  7. Amazing list! Bones is on My TTT, too :) And I absolutely adore "R" - I'm yet to see the movie, but the book is one of my favs :) And who wouldn't love Mr. Darcy ;)

  8. I havent read any of these books,actually, which goes to show that I'm so behind! Better start reading now! :)
    April Blog Hop
    Top Ten Book Boyfriends
    Waiting on Wedneday

    1. I think it more shows how eclectic my taste in books is and that I read some 'older' books. :D

  9. Elven architecture is <333 I was so happy that we were able to see different parts of Imladris in The Hobbit movie (perhaps even more in the EE! *trying to patiently wait for it*). Legolas had some lovely lines in the books (and of course was quite pretty in the movie, hehehe) =)

    Had I gone with more than 10 characters Mr. Darcy would've made my list too, I love that there's more about him than Lizzy's first impressions =)

    1. I play LOTRO and I died endless times because I was walking and staring into some elven building and fallen to my death or got killed. And I loved that we saw more of it in Hobbit too! :)
      Actually I don't like blondes so Legolas in the movie is soooo not-my-thing but whatever, for house like that I am willing to forgive some little flaws. :D And he DID have some great lines in books.

      I loved Mr. Darcy's brutal honesty. My husband has the same quality and I like it that when I ask him something he will tell me the truth. :)


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