This page contains disclosure about images and other content displayed on website Diary Of The Book Dragon.
Book Information
Information and summaries for books posted on this website are from one of these sources:
- Copied from Goodreads or Amazon book info page
- Provided by the publisher
- Received from event organizer (for blog tours, cover reveals, etc.)
I am not responsible if some summary of a book contains a spoiler. If you don't want to take that risk, the book summary section is always clearly marked, so just skip it. :)
Book Reviews
All the text I write about books is 100% my personal opinion. I do not receive any monetary compensation from publishers or authors in exchange for writing book reviews.
Some books I wrote about were gifted to me by the publisher or author either personally or via NetGalley/Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. These books will have disclosure text at the bottom.
Affiliate Links
When posting Amazon ads, book covers or links to the books on the Amazon website, I am using so-called affiliate links. That means that if you follow that link and buy something, I will receive a small referral fee.
Images Used
Sources for images used on this website:
- PSD book cover template by Cover Vault
- Stock images from Unsplash
If you have copyright problems or complaints regarding any of the images used on this website, feel free to contact me and I will remove them immediately.