Top Ten Books At The Top Of My Summer TBR List

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Since the spring began, my usual comment at 5-star reviews by bloggers I stalk follow was 'I am adding it to the list of books I am reading this summer on my vacation!' Well, the summer is here, and although I will be probably go on vacation at the end of August, list of books I plan to read is already a mile long. It seems that this definition of holiday will definitely turn out to be true for me:

[image source]

I neglected my favorite genre last couple of months, but I plan to make this summer FANTAS-tic (literally)! Here are just some of the amazing fantasy novels that I plan to read this summer:

Well that's it from me. What books are you planning to read this summer? Share your thoughts and links to your lists in comments! :)

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  1. 'Grave Mercy' is amazing! 'Shadow and Bone' made my list too and I can't wait for 'Crown of Midnight' to come out. Great list :)

    1. Yeah I read a lot of great reviews so I decided to correct my mistake when I skipped it last year. I hope we both enjoy Shadow and Bone and Crown of Midnight when it comes out too! :)

  2. Haha, I love you for that intro, completely agreed about the summer! Though I don't really get a vacation, I do have a break from classes :D I'm so excited for you to read all of these fantasy books! I grabbed Mist from NG and it's next up on the Kindle reading list, so excited!!

    My TTT

    1. Haha thank you, it's always good to know I'm not the only one. :D Since I work, my vacation is my break. :D
      I'm excited to read them too. I was looking at my favorite reads so far this year and they were all mostly fantasy. Why the hell do I even bother and read other genres? :D
      I hope I will have time to read Mist soon too. Norse mythology, can't wait!

  3. I just love the "Mist" cover. I keep seeing "Shadow and Bone" on people's lists so I'll have to consider it in the future. Great list!

    Tsuki @ Tsuki's Books

    Tsuki’s TTT

    1. I skipped Shadow and Bone last year because it didn't sound like something special but so many of my friends have read it and loved it, that I have to read it now. :)

  4. The Ocean made my list, too. I still need to read Throne of Glass, but do plan to this summer. Shadow and Bone, too. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. And the Ocean is published. Yay! :D
      Throne of Glass is such a fun, light ya fantasy, I hope you enjoy it.

  5. Awesome list! I want to read almost all of these :)

    My TTT

    1. Thanks. :) And what do you mean 'almost'? :D

    2. I couldn't get into Grave Mercy :( I had galley before it was published, started it, but I couldn't get into it, and then the galley expired, so I don't know... i guess I kinda lost my interest. That's why almost ;)

    3. That's why it's perfect if you send an egalley to Kindle. It never expires. :D
      I'm sorry to hear you could not get into Grave Mercy, I hope I will have more luck with it.

    4. I didn't know that they don't expire on Kindle, that's so awesome :) I guess I'll have to get myself one when I can afford ;)

      And I hope you'll enjoy it, I know that everyone has :) maybe if I continued reading it, I would've, too :)

    5. You don't have to get Kindle. You only need to make Amazon account, install Kindle app (it can be installed on computer, tablet, mobile) and then set up NetGalley to send egalleys to email connected to your Kindle app (they have tutorial). And voila never-expiring ebooks. >:)

    6. Awesome :) I do use Kindle for PC, but I didn't know I could set that one up, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for letting me know :)

    7. No problem. I hope you manage to pull it off. :)

    And aside from totally pining for Crown of Midnight, I really want to read The Rithmatist, Grave Mercy and Mist as well :)

    1. I KNOW! Everybody says it's awesome. And I'm going to join the fan club soon (hopefully). :)
      I'm pinning for Crown of Midnight too. *sigh*

  7. Shadow and Bone almost made my list...but it is still 18 in queue at my library so I am not sure I will get it in time. Great list! Have a great Summer of reading!
    Here is my post from Tuesday.

    1. I hope you get it if not this summer then later. It's never too late to read a good book. ;)


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