Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't Yet

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Since my bookish appetites are insatiable and I have a sick need to read every book I see, making the list of series I'd like to read would take forever. Even if I would limit myself to books and authors I REALLY REALLY want to read soon it would still be too big.

So, I am adding two additional conditions to this list: the series must be either recommended to me multiple times by friends who already introduced me to some wonderful books or I really should have very strong reason why I should read it soon. Yes, stronger than: 'I want it!'. :)

The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

What can I say? My favorite fantasy writer. His most popular (and many say best) series, and I didn't read it. *bows head in shame*

Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews

Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews

I read & enjoyed Kinsmen series by Ilona Andrews and everybody keep telling me: 'If you liked that, you will love her Kate Daniels series...'

Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta

Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta

Another series with multiple recommendations from friends who keep telling me if I liked Graceling and Seraphina, I will adore Finnikin of the Rock...

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

After Vampire Academy you would think that I would quickly jump to find out what happens next to my favorite character Adrian. I really don't know why I didn't start this series yet. (I keep repeating this sentence lol)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Again, multiple recommendations, everybody praising it and telling me I'll love it...

Nightshade Prequel by Andrea Cremer

Nightshade Prequel by Andrea Cremer

I won hardback of Rift on giveaway in November 2012. I keep telling myself I will read it and then either give it away via blog giveaway (if I don't like it) or buy sequel. But so far it's just tempting me from a bookshelf.

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Wherever I go I keep seeing Carlos Ruiz Zafon on list of favorite writers or The Shadow of the Wind on list of best books ever read. And I keep commenting how I still did not read them and people keep saying to me that I should read them... Tanychy even told me he's translated to Serbian, so I can use member discount in my local bookstore...

Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima

Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima

This is the series that Goodreads Recommendations are pushing me to read. Ever since they enabled this feature The Demon King is constantly number one recommendation based on my read books.

As I said before I could go on and on and on but I will stop on #8. So, these are the series that I hope to 'hop on board' this year... I will make it my bookish goal #1973.

Let's Talk:

Well that's it from me. What are your top series that you would like to start but haven't yet? Do we share the same ones?

Share your thoughts and links to your lists in comments! :)

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  1. Great list, Dragana :) I love the Seven Realms, although I still need to read books 3 & 4, I've been postponing because I wanted to re-read 1 & 2 first :) Hopefully I'll do that this year :)

    Zafon's trilogy is on my TTT, as you noticed ;) and I also really want to read the Lumatere Chronicles, and Kate Daniels & Daughter of Smoke & Bone are on my tbr, too. Believe it or not, I still need to try Brandon Sanderson, I know, I know, what am I waiting for? No idea, I've wanted to try his books for years, just haven't gotten around to it...

    Thanks for stopping by on my TTT & I hope you'll read all of these this year!

    1. Dragana as you can see Aleksandra is another person who I drove crazy with Zafon's books :)))

    2. hahahaha you only remind me that I should read them ;) so keep up :D books 1 & 2 have been sitting on my bookshelf unread for years now, and now that I own book 3, too, it's time to read them :)

    3. Yes as Aleksandra said I don't mind recommendations. :)

      I'm glad to hear that Seven Realms is good series, so Goodreads is probably right to stubbornly keep it at top of his recommendations for me. :)

      Brandon Sanderson is publishing a ya novel this year, so maybe that's what you have been waiting for. ;)

      I hope we both manage to read all books from our tt list. :D

  2. I'm so happy to see Zafon on your list :) Yes you can find them all in the bookstores! :) Čarobna knjiga did a really great job with the translations :) Also Melina is on my list! I hope you'll get to read Bloodlines but still IMO VA is better :) Great list :)

    1. I don't know if I will read English or Serbian translation for Zafon. I read so many books in English lately that it feels weird when I start to read something in other language. :)

  3. Oh, Daughter of Smoke and Bone is really amazing. :) And the Seven Realms series is on my list too - I've heard lots about it!

    My TTT:

    1. Yeah I heard great things about those two. I hope we both have time to visit Seven Realms soon. ;)

  4. Well, I read the first book in the Stormlight Archive as an ARC (the most error-filled ARC I've ever read. I was excited at the time, but since the second book still isn't even close to out, I wish I'd waited, because my memories of book one are seriously fuzzy. Grrrr..

    Kate Daniels, Lumatere and Bloodlines are all ones I've not got to yet, and I definitely don't want to die without reading the first two. I'm not a hundred percent sure if Bloodlines is worth it for me honestly.

    1. Sanderson is so prolific that it does not surprises me that his ARCs are full of errors. :D I hate it when my memories about series are fuzzy when the sequel is published. Maybe it is the best to wait until the series is completed. Although I doubt I am patient to wait for 10 books. :D
      I have my doubts about Bloodlines too, if I read them it would be only to see Adrian get his HEA.

  5. I need to re-read The Way of Kings at some point. The worldbuilding is very rich but I remember wandering a little bit with the story, probably because of the sheer size of it, lol. At least there's a title out for the second book!

    Hope you enjoy Carlos Ruiz Zafon's books =D Great list =)

    My TTT

    1. I hope I will enjoy Zafon't books too. At least Tanychy tells me I will. LOL

  6. Great list! I need to start reading Melina Marchetta, Richelle Mead, and Laini Taylor period.

  7. I can't wait to read Bloodlines or Daughter of Smoke and Bone too! NEW FOLLOWER!

    1. I will probably read 'Daughter of Smoke and Bone' before 'Bloodlines'. Thanks for following. :)

  8. I love The Lumatere Chronicles and Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Bloodlines series has just started to get really good in book 3. I have the Kate Daniels series on my list as well. I've read The Shadow of the Wind, but I had no idea that it's a series! I'll have to look for the other books. I don't know much about The Seven Realms series, but I keep hearing info so I'll have to look it up. Thanks for stopping by my list.

    1. I don't know anyone who told me that The Lumatere Chronicles is bad - I really must read them soon. :)
      And I am glad to help you find more books for your tbr. I hope sequels are as good as The Shadow of the Wind. ;)

  9. I've heared about the Bloodlines series but other than that, I haven't heard of any on your list :)

    Here's my My TTT

    1. My list is mostly fantasy oriented, so if that's not your favorite genre, it's not surprising most of the books are unknown to you. :)

  10. Great list, we share a few there. Here's my TTT:

    1. Well I hope we will have them on our list of favorite books in 2013 by the end of the year. ;)


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