Waiting On Wednesday: Armada by Ernest Cline

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Waiting On Wednesday Armada by Ernest Cline

Each Wednesday, Jill from Breaking The Spine helps us share, discover and rave about books that we can't wait to read. And if you can't recognize the cover snippet above, the book I am waiting on this Wednesday is...

Book Cover Armada by Ernest Cline

Armada by Ernest Cline
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction
Publication Date: July, 2014
Publisher: Crown Publishing
GoodreadsOfficial Website


Zack Lightman is daydreaming through another dull math class when the high-tech dropship lands in his school's courtyard-and when the men in the dark suits and sunglasses leap out of the ship and start calling his name, he's sure he's still dreaming.

But the dream is all too real; the people of Earth need him. As Zack soon discovers, the videogame he's been playing obsessively for years isn't just a game; it's part of a massive, top-secret government training program, designed to teach gamers the skills they'll need to defend Earth from a possible alien invasion. And now…that invasion is coming.

As he and his companions prepare to enter their ships and do battle, Zack learns that the father he thought was dead is actually a key player in this secret war. And together with his father, he'll uncover the truth about the alien threat, race to prevent a genocide, and discover a mysterious third player in the interplanetary chess game he's been thrown into.

~ taken from Goodreads

Why Am I Waiting On Armada by Ernest Cline?

  1. I ♥ lovedReady Player One.
  2. Again the story is related to videogames and as a passionate (if not regular) gamer I can always relate to that.
  3. It reminds me of Flight of the Navigator and brings back childhood memories.

So, those are my reasons why I am waiting on Armada. What are yours? Did you hear about Armada before? Will you read it? What are you waiting for?

Feel free to leave links in comments.

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  1. Hahaha, sounds awesome. not sure how much I'd like a protagonist who daydreams through Math :p (the nerd in me is showing, yes?)

    Added to GR!

    Thanks for hopping by!
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    Check out what I'm waiting on!

    1. I agree daydreaming through math spoils the geek/nerd image of main character. (Math and IT was my major at college). :)

  2. I cannot believe that I still haven't read Ready Player One, I have heard only amazing things about it and I need to dive into it. I really hope you'll enjoy this one and hopefully I'll get some time to read it too. Great pick Dragana :))

    1. Ready Player One is great for people suffering from 80s nostalgia but is also full of action and adventure and chasing and fun for everyone. I hope you like it when you read it. And that we will both like Armada. :)

    2. Yeah I wasn't around in 80's though so I cannot wait to read about it :)

    3. I was kinda around in 80s but I don't remember much since I was a kid. I had to use Google a lot to see what they are talking about. :/

  3. OMG how did I miss this? I love Ready Player One, it's my #1 fav book (I never thought I'll have one, but Ready Player On is the one), and Armada sounds awesome, can't wait.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Well now you know. LOL :D I stalk Goodreads profile of my favorite authors and check out for new books, that's how I found out about this one. I'm pathetic I know. :D

    2. Hahahaha I actually do that, too. I just have to know what my fav authors have planned in the future :D It's just that it's been long time since I've checked Ernest Cline, so yeah, I've missed this ;)

  4. Love the sound of this one. Thank you for sharing.

    New GFC follower.

    Glass @ Way Too Hot Books

    1. It does sound like a lot of fun. Thanks for following. :)

  5. ready player one is on my wish list. heard so many great things about it. i like the sound of the author's new novel and the cover is fantastic!

    hope you can stop by my WoW.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. Ready Player One is great if you are looking for sf action. I hope you get to read (and enjoy it soon). :)

  6. Oooh, this sounds great! I just got a copy of Ready Player One FINALLY and am looking forward to it...definitely adding this to my TBR!

    Here's my WoW for this week!

    Bree :)

    Coffee Bean Bookshelf

    1. Yay for you finally having an opportunity to read 'Ready Player One'. I hope you will enjoy it! :)

  7. Interesting cover. Sounds good too. Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Wednesday!


    1. Yep cover is definitely made from usual mold. I'm glad you liked my pick Shane. :)

  8. Hmm, I enjoyed Ready Player One, but largely because of all the 80s nostalgia. This one just sounds like something that's been done before - The Last Starfighter immediately comes to mind - but I'm sure there's a unique hook to it somewhere.

    Here's my WOW

    1. I loved 'Ready Player One'. It wasn't deep but it was very fun so I hope Armada will be too. I somehow missed watching 'The Last Starfighter' - shame on me.

  9. I've never heard of this book or author! Daydreaming during math class - what's new? :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I never daydreamed during math. Nerd I know. :o) But during history or geography... all the time. :D

  10. SOLD. I haven't heard of this book before, nor have I read Ready Player One, but that summary has me itching for it something fierce! I love video games too, and I love books that talk about them. Thanks for sharing!

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My WoW

    1. Ready Player One was fierce and fun I hope Armada will be the same. Oh and if you like books about video games you should really check out Ready Player One. :)

  11. I love that you list out why you're excited about this book! I've not read RPO and I'm not really a gamer, but this concept does sound pretty fun! I also like the cover a lot. Great pick!

    1. I'm a list freak, I use them for everything. It's a wonder I do not do my reviews in a form of lists too. :D

  12. I've never seen this one before but it sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy reading it when it comes out.
    Come check out my WOW post.


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