Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

As each New Year starts we make some goals or so called New Year Resolutions. You know what I mean - this year you are finally going to lose that extra weight or clean up that messy store-room...

I am always ambitious with my plans, because, you know, this year I am going to fix & organise it all and by the end everything is going to be perfect. Of course, this never happens, I usually manage to complete just some of my goals but... As the smart little bunny in the picture below says: "If I gotta fail, I'm gonna fail big!"

My Reading Goals For 2013:

If you are a bookworm like me, you probably have a couple of New Years resolutions related to books. Although, I always enter some number in Goodreads challenge as my goal for numbers of book I plan to read this year, I do not usually try to achieve it. I think that it does not matter how many books you read in a year, what matters is that you enjoyed the books you read. So here are some bookish reading goals that I hope will help me in discovering new books and authors to adore. :)

  1. Read More Fantasy. Ok and science fiction too, but primarily fantasy. After all, that's the main reason I started writing this blog. To focus more on my favorite genre.
  2. Catch Up on Classics. I was on a literature classics rampage more than ten years ago and then I tackled most of the noteworthy older classics worth reading. The genres I neglected were science fiction & fantasy, so there are a lot of classic book in these genres that I did not read like: The Princess Bride, Frankenstein, Bram Stoker's Dracula etc. I really need to correct that mistake in 2013.
  3. Be More Determined in Abandoning Series I do not Like. While I do not shy away from giving up on standalone novels I do not enjoy, series are another matter with me. If I read the first book, I will probably read the second maybe even the third hoping it gets better. Sadly, this almost never happens, usually it just gets worse. So I hope that in 2013 I will stop giving second (or third) chances to series that did not engage me with first book and instead try to discover new awesome series I will adore.
  4. Clear Out Unread Kindle Freebies. I am one of those people who simply can not resist the temptation when they see an interesting book that is currently free Kindle download on Amazon. During last year I downloaded 146 Kindle freebies and I have read only 21 ebooks from that pile. I won't resolve to stop downloading them (because I know that I will fail that resolution) but I plan try and read them more. I hope that total/unread ratio will much better next year. :)
  5. Review Every Book I Read. Since I started blogging, I am much better with reviewing books than before, but still there are a lot of books I skip: my guilty-pleasure reads and short novellas that I do not even mention here. But recently when I stumbled upon a book read a couple of years ago and I couldn't remember did I like it or not. Since it failed to leave impression I am guessing it was nothing special, but I would like to know more now. So I am determined to write review (on Goodreads) for every book or even novella I read. At least short list of pros/cons so my future self will not have to ponder how I felt about some book.

My Blogging Goals For 2013:

Since I started blogging last year, some of my New Years resolutions of course had to be focused on that topic. Here are some of the things that I hope I will improve on my blog in 2013.

  1. Schedule Posts in Advance. Right now I am always writing and publishing reviews on the same day. The same applies for meme posts, I am always writing them in the last moment. But I think that posts that I wrote and then published after a couple of days were much better because I had time to re-think, correct some mistakes and add some things I forgot. So I am determined to stop writing post day-to-day and have them scheduled/written a little bit in advance.
  2. Have More Original Content. It's great participating in cover reveals, book promos etc because you don't have to think about what to write. Most blog tour hosts will also provide you with content/text you need to post. But when I see 30 blogs in my RSS feed posting the same text as me on the same day, I feel like I took the easy way out. So I will resist the temptation of pre-made and easy posts and try to write more original content.
  3. Finish Blog Logo. I've been working on a logo since I started blogging and it's still in a sketch phase. I really need to finish it so there will be an image that people can connect to a name. Also so Facebook Page and Google+ page for website do not have empty headers anymore. :D
  4. Be More Active in Blogging Community. I'm usually lazy and just respond to comments on my blog posts or eventually comment on popular blog memes. Although I read a lot of posts on other book blogs, I am usually shy when I need to leave comment. I don't know why, because when I dared to write a response, I usually talked to some great and interesting people. I would say that I even made some friends. So I am determined to start commenting and interacting more.
  5. Finish Blog Design. There are a lot of things that need to be added/fixed (drop-down menu, share buttons, comments widget, ...) and I hope to tackle them soon.

Let's Talk:

Well that's it from me. Do we share some similar goals for 2013? What are your Bookish New Years Resolutions?

Share your thoughts and links to your lists in comments! :)

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  1. I have to finish blog redesign too! I know how you feel! I hope you'll finish all that :)

  2. We have some similar resolutions =D. I do need to catch up with some classics, how could I forget about that! ><;; I really need to be more active at posting reviews or commenting, also need to re-design my blog as well.
    Great resolutions! I hope you can accomplish all of that.

    My TTT :

    1. I am reading trough some TTTs right now and I also have that how-could-I-forget-that moment almost every time. :)
      Thanks for stopping by and good luck to us in accomplishing out goals. :)

  3. The Princess Bride and Frankenstein are fantastic reads! I want to read more classics as well, but more in the romance area because those are my favorites ;) And being more active in the blogging community is something I'd like to work on as well! Great goals :)

    Here's my Top Ten!

    1. Yeah everybody keep telling me that those are great books, well they are going down in 2013. *waves threateningly at tbr*

  4. Yey, I love your goals! Especially the read more fantasy one :D And the more original content one, I know that it's been a thing in the community lately and I'm firmly on the side of original content ;-) I find it gets a lot more traffic too! Thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower :D

    1. You can never read enough fantasy. Whenever I read great fantasy book - I ask myself: why am I even reading anything else? :D

  5. Love the cartoon blurbs. Great goals. I need to set a goal to ditch series that are no longer keeping my attention. I have a hard time not finishing series, but why do that to myself when there are so many books on my TBR? Best of luck with your goals.

    1. I also have a hard time not finishing series but as you said why do that to myself when there are so many great books waiting. I hope we have better luck with giving up on series this year. :)

  6. Hey,
    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award.
    Check out my blog for more details.


    1. Thanks for thinking about me, but I am not really interested in participating in Liebster Blog Awards.

  7. Oooh, these are good ones! I also like to review every book I read,and schedule posts in advance :) Good Luck! :D

    My Goals for 2013
    What I'm Waiting for This Wednesday

    1. Still not managing to schedule posts in advance but I hope I will pile up a couple of them soon... :D

  8. Looking forward to seeing your new blog design. I'm in the process of working with a designer that's doing my blog and oh it's so hard, I thought the process would be a lot easier :(

    My Bookish Goals.

    1. I am doing the design myself, so I've been changing it step by step during last month. And yes, it's so tough and fixing one thing, breaks something else... :/ I made a little break for the holidays but I need to make it back into the saddle. :)

  9. New follower :) Wow, I can relate to a TON of your goals! I have issues abandoning series too. Even if I give a book two stars, I stick with the series because I keep telling myself it'll get better. I also write my posts on the same day. I'm going to start trying to schedule posts the day before... hehe ;) Anyway, good luck with your goals! May the odds be ever in your favor :P
    My Top Ten

  10. Great goals. I also need to be more active in blogging. At the moment I don't really comment on a lot of peoples blogs. So I need to start doing more of that. Good luck with your goals!

    1. Yeah, I am trying but still not very good with commenting, at least I respond to comments on my blog, although a little bit late. Thanks for wishing me luck, IO will need it. ;)

  11. Ugh, you too on #3 on the reading goals? I always hold out that last tiny sliver of hope that the series will suddenly spring back to life but it never happens. I keep trying to tell myself: think of all the GOOD books you're missing by reading this 3rd book in a series you already knew you hated...

    1. Yes me too. I hope we will both have more luck in abandoning series this year or if not that that they will at least turn out to be better in next books. :)


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